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Run Validator: Teku


The Validator requires a Consensus client (also known as Beacon Node) in order to operate. See Step 3: Run Beacon Node: Teku for more information.

Option 1: Run as System Process

Refer to Guide

Option 2: Run using Docker

1. Folder Structure

Create new folders:

mkdir -p /home/$USER/gnosis/consensus/validator/keys
mkdir /home/$USER/gnosis/consensus/validator/passwords
mkdir /home/$USER/gnosis/consensus/validator/slashprotection

Including the folders from your Execution and Consensus clients, your folder structure should now look like:

├── jwtsecret/
├── execution/
└── consensus/
├── beacon/
└── validators/
├── keys/
├── passwords/
└── slashprotection/

2. Docker Compose

Modify your docker-compose file with your favorite text editor and add the following commands to your consensus container.


The file should now look like:

version: "3"

# From Step 2
# ...

user: "${PUID:-1000}"
container_name: consensus
image: consensys/teku:latest
restart: always
- gnosis_net
- 9000:9000/tcp # p2p
- 9000:9000/udp # p2p
- 8008:8008/tcp # metrics
- 4000
- /home/$USER/gnosis/consensus:/data
- /home/$USER/gnosis/jwtsecret/jwt.hex:/jwt.hex
- /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx4g
command: |
driver: "local"

name: gnosis_net

3. Environment Variables

Add an .env file with your fee recipient (your Gnosis address) and graffiti in /home/$USER/gnosis/.env.


Replace validators-proposer-default-fee-recipient with your Gnosis address. This fee recipient address will receive tips from user transactions from the block the validator proposed. If not set, the tips will be sent to zero address, that is burnt competely. It is strongly recommended that you configure this value in your setup. Learn more about validators-proposer-default-fee-recipient flag in Teku docs.

Replace validator-keys with the location where keystores- *.json and keystore- *.txt are stored.

Replace validators-graffiti with your own graffiti. It is an optional field that can be used to add a message to the block by the proposer.

Learn more about the CLI commands and their options here.

4. Keystore Location

Add your keystores in /home/$USER/gnosis/consensus/validator/keys/ and their password in a file /home/$USER/gnosis/consensus/validator/passwords to get this file structure:


When specifying directories, Teku expects to find identically named keystore and password files. For each keystore file a corresponding password txt file is required. This is the case even if the password is the same for each validator. For example validator_217179e.json and validator_217179e.txt. (source)

├── docker-compose.yml
├── .env
├── jwtsecret/
├── execution/
└── consensus/
├── beacon/
└── validators/
├── keys/
│   ├── keystore-001.json
│   └── keystore-002.json
├── passwords/
│   └── keystore-001.txt
│   └── keystore-002.txt
└── slashprotection/

5. Import Keystores

Import your validators:

When the Teku consensus container starts, it will search the directories for keystores and passwords, and import them automatically.


When specifying directories, Teku expects to find identically named keystore and password files. For each keystore file a corresponding password txt file is required. This is the case even if the password is the same for each validator. For example validator_217179e.json and validator_217179e.txt. (source)

6. Restart Containers

Restart the execution layer client and consensus layer client listed in the compose file:

cd /home/$USER/gnosis
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

7. Monitor Logs

Check your logs for each service (execution, consensus or validator) with:

docker logs -f --tail 500 execution

8. Make a Deposit

Make deposit once your node is fully synced (this can take a few hours depending on setup).


At this stage you should have your EL and CL fully synced and validators must be imported to your CL.

See section Fund Validator

9. Updating your Node

To update, just pull the new images, then stop and restart your docker-compose file:

cd /home/$USER/gnosis
docker-compose pull
docker-compose stop
docker-compose up -d